SMPTE Fibre System

RS485 Data Splitter and Repeater Ports Bottom
  • Data and HDSDI to 20km

  • Power up to 400m (48v)

  • Small rugged system

  • Lemo or Neutrik SMPTE connectors

The SMPTE Fibre System is a simple system to connect and power remote equipment over a standard SMPTE cable. It consists of two matching units, a FAR END and a NEAR END which connect to each other via an SMPTE Hybrid cable. One fibre is used for the HDSDI signal, and one for the control data and genlock (not shown).

48v power from the supplied PSU is connected to the near end and at the far end 12v power is available for the remote equipment.

The units are fitted with the customer’s choice of connectors, either Lemo 3K 93C series or Neutrik OpticalCON Duo series.

The Remote Power option is supplied with a 48v PSU which connects into the NEAR END and can operate a BR Remote camera to about 500m. The unit senses open or short circuits and shuts off the power if detected.

Power:  12v – 4W (each end) + camera. 48v input via XLR5. 12v via XLR4.

Data: RS484

Connections: HDSDI BNC, Genlock BNC, Power/Data XLR4

Dimensions: 170mm x 115mm x 47mm + plugs (each end)

Please head to the SMPTE Fibre System Brochure for more information. If you would like to know more about the SMPTE Fibre System please get in touch via or call us on +44 (0) 1590 622 440.